Recipe: No Shrooms Savory Slow Cooker Pot Roast!

Pot Roast


1 Beef Chuck Roast (just pick the size to feed your family)

1 medium-large potato (per person) cut into 1/8’s (peeled or unpeeled, doesn’t matter)

1 large onion

1 large carrot (per person) peeled and cut in 2 inch sections

1 celery stalk (per person) cut into 2 inch sections

1 can French Onion Soup

1 can Cream of Onion Soup

1 package Onion Soup Mix

1/2-1 cup water

1 clove garlic

Salt and Pepper to taste

Olive Oil (optional)



Salt and Pepper Beef to taste

Drizzle Olive Oil in a pan and brown the beef on both sides (optional)

Add all ingredients into the slow cooker

You can set it on High to cook in 3-5 hours or set it on low to cook in 6-8 hours



Our Homeschool House 2013-2014

Our Homeschool House

My Desk

On the table…

And on the floor

Dining Room and Living Room double as our “School Room”

The boy’s room is where everything we studied that day becomes creative play!

(Even the girls end up in the boy’s room!)

Our whole house is our “School Room” which makes it our Homeschool House!

Do you have a Homeschool House or a School Room?  I have had both and I prefer a Homeschool House.  How do you feel about your homeschool space?

Learning Through Life Experiences

In lieu of my Father passing we have had to forgo our schooling the last week. I was feeling guilty about all the erasing I did in my planner and tried to think of any educational opportunities we’ve had. After mulling it over I realized my children had never been to a funeral and we had never really discussed death. This life experience and interruption in our schooling had provided an unexpected learning opportunity that could never have been duplicated by reading it from a book. At first I wasn’t sure if I wanted my children to attend the funeral services, but then after discussing it with my husband he reminded me that death is a part of life and our goal for our children other than salvation is preparing them for life. What better way to teach them about death and salvation then letting them observe a funeral service. They gained new vocabulary and a comforting understanding of what happens when someone passes. They exercised their new-found ability to be truly empathetic. My Father being Catholic, we all learned many new things about the Catholic religion and their beliefs and the different prayers they say and practices they have. Visiting the cemetery was quite an experience learning about how to respect the grave sites and visiting all the other relatives buried there. We talked about who they were on Earth and where their bodies are verses where their spirits are. I am amazed by the invaluable experience gained through just living life as it came to us.

I realize that this might sound detached and that is for good reason. Although this was a very emotional time for me and I am grieving the loss of my father this is a homeschool blog and is not the place to unload those feelings. While I was making decisions about how to guide my children through this, I did notice how much knowledge they had gained and what a learning experience this was for them. I thought it might be helpful to share with other homeschoolers that life is a wonderful teacher all on its own. When life is happening and a baby is coming, you are moving, you’re building a house, or someone in your family is passing don’t be afraid to take a break from book work and involve your children in life and watch all the effortless learning that takes place. The elections are a great example of a real-life learning experience that children can observe and learn from. I encourage everyone to look around them and involve their children in what they see.

My Womanhood

I am not sure why women find being called a woman offensive. I love being a woman!I feel that everybody depending on me means they think I am dependable. Everyone thinking I can do it all means they know I have the Lord in my heart. I feel so humbled by the title WOMAN. So many women before me did so much more than I do. I have a dishwasher, and washer and dryer 😉 There is no better feeling
then watching my family enjoy a meal I prepared for them with love. I will take my rightful place in the kitchen gladly and with honor. It doesn’t shame me, I feel blessed for the ability to serve my family in this way. I really enjoy owning my gender role. It fits and feels good. I will not deny that this “job” is more demanding than anything I have ever done before, but it is by far the most rewarding “job” I have ever had. Serving my husband and my children blesses my life as much or more than it does theirs. I am so glad that I don’t have the pressures of a man to provide and protect. I respect men so much for their ability to weather that storm and shield their families with the will and strength of the Lord. It doesn’t mean that I think what I do isn’t valuable, it means I know I am serving the Lord this way.